Solar Inverter Grid Tie 1000With2000W Pure Sine Wave Source Solar Panel or Battery

Advantage of The Sunshine Grid Tie Power System. There are many advantages of SGPV compare with the traditional grid tie power system. Low cost and easy installation – SGPV can make full use of all types of buildings’ surfaces that face the sun in the city as well as fast and easy installation of solar modules and grid tie inverter. It just needs very low maintenance costs. Free combination – SGPV can be used as a separate grid tie system and set up as a large solar array with many of them. The quantity of SGPV in the array is just according to your desire. Combination of SGPV does not interact – The traditional solar grid tie system is always connected with many panels. Those solar panels are connected in series, so the input voltage is very high, although, the traditional grid inverter has an MPPT feature (Maximum Power Point Tracking), but the maximum power point is according to the entire series in terms of solar panels array, if the performance of one piece of solar panels in the system, for some reason, such as leaves, bird droppings, dust, shadow, etc. And degrades, the performance of the entire solar power system will decrease. SGPV system has no such disadvantage. If the performance of a piece of solar panels in the system degrades, this just effects one SGPV, will not affect other SGPV in the system. Improving the efficiency of the entire solar power system – In a traditional grid tie system, many solar panels are connected in series, so the MPPT of the inverter is according to the total panels in series, not to every panel. Still, there is a difference between every panel, so not every panel is working at the maximum power, this will reduce the total power of these panels in series. But SGPV has no such disadvantage. Because every inverter of SGPV has MPPT function, so every panel is working at the maximum power, this will increase the efficiency of the entire system. Low power consumption – Most of the parts in the small grid tie inverter are digital ICs and low power MCU, so the power consumption of it is low. Though the quantity of grid tie inverters is increased, this will not increase the power consumption much of the entire system. How to Choose Solar Panels? The most important specifications when selecting solar panels are Pmax, Voc, Vmp, and Isc. 1, The total Pmax of solar panels should be equal to or less than the Rated Power(Peak)of the inverter that you will connect. 2, The total Voc of solar panels should be less than the maximum point of the DC input range of the inverter. It is according to the connecting method if you connect solar panels in parallel, all panels must have the same Voc, the Pmax of each panel can be difffferent or same, so the total Voc is as same as one Voc, but if you connect solar panels in serial, the Isc of each solar panel must be same, the Pmax of each panel can be different or same, so the total Voc is the summation of all solar panels connected in serial. Connecting solar panels with the same specififications in a single system is the best choice. 3, The total Vmp of solar panels should above the minimum point of the DC input range of the inverter. The connecting method principle is as same as item 2 above. The two connecting method diagrams are shown in Fig. Comparing the connected method in Fig. 4 and Fig5, we can see that method 2 is a good choice because with method 1, the DC cables are thicker, so it is more expensive, and three pairs of connectors for parallel connecting plus three pairs of solar connectors should be used. But with method 2, the DC cables are thin, and just a pair of connectors for parallel connecting and a pair of MC4connectors should be used. How to Connect it? Why our grid tie inverters need limit function? It is in response to the overwhelming clamor fromour customers for a function that can control the amount of power that the grid tie inverters can generate. With this function, the inverters will just generate power that is not larger than the loads’ power even theinverters are connected with big power solar panel array, we call it “limit function”. Because in some countries, the producer pays for the excess power it gives to the distribution grid. This isbecause the electric power meter(the one provided by the electricity provider in the area) is not aware of thedirection of power flow. In other words it only adds even if power is exported to the grid, thus, the consumerwill be charged for power even if it is given to the grid, and this is the problem. Our SUN G2 series grid tie inverters are integrated this limit function, so SUN G2 series inverters can work in limitmode or normal mode(no limit), you can make the configuration on the LCD display. The Belowing is Limitter. DC Input Positive Terminal. This terminal will connect to the positive wire of solar cables connected with the positive pole of the solar panels. DC Input Negative Terminal. This terminal will connect to the negative wire of solar cables connected with the negative pole of the solar panels. This socket will connect the inverter to the public grid via the AC cable. The Inverter display can show many information. The main interface of the display and the icon explanations are shown above. In this interface, the LCD backlight can be set to always on or auto turn offff after 3 minutes no action. The inverter also integrates with limit function, preventing excess power from going to the public grid. Select “Internal Limiter”, the inverter will work under limit mode. The inverter’s output power will be determined by load power. For more details about the limit function. Please read the user manual of the limit function. On this screen, you can select “Bat or solar limit Current Mode, ” which allows you to limit the DC input current by adjusting the numbers. You also need to set the low protect voltageand reboot voltage. This is very useful for batterydischarge. You also can select “Bat or solar limit Power Mode, ” this function is similar to Bat or solar. Limit Current Mode, just use power to replace thecurrent. Save the setting after you reconfifigure the working mode or backlight setting. If you want to control the work time of the inverter, you need to set the work time controller page. If you haven’t selected any of these four options, then the work time controller function will be disabled. If you have selected any of these four options, the. Selected options will be available, the inverter will work from the start time(left two columns, HH-MM) to stop time(right two columns, HH-MM). The inverter will stop to produce any power at other time that has not been selected. This interface will show the real time grid waveform. The grid voltage and frequency also will show in this interface. The energy interface will show the power generation curve every day. Today KWH and Total KWH are also shown in this interface. In this interface, the display shows real time power, PV input voltage, inside temperature, date, and time. Clock And Date Setting. Set the clock and date on this page, save the setting before exit. Solar Panel VOC 60V C? Harge Current 20A. 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